
Why It's Important to be Practising Gratitude

Practising Gratitude is not just fashionable, it's a vital mental…

Stronger Than She's Ever Been: Mag's Story Continued

Margaret aka “Mags” came to me in August last year with chronic…

Back Pain in Women

1 in 6 Australians report having back problems, and 4 out of…

Deb has Surprised Herself!

We asked Deb for this testimonial last week because she has made…

What I’ve been doing to feel better... by Claire Morton


How Exercise Prevents and/or Improves Outcomes of Almost Every Form of Disease

If there's one thing you start today, and continue everyday,…

Restore Your Core in 6mths

It's new program time! Or a re-invention of our old program!…

Screening the Pregnant Client Vs the Post Natal

Screening. We talk about it a lot. Perhaps more than a lot. Perhaps…

Kara Has Overcome a lot to Achieve This!

Kara started training at IntoYou almost 2 years ago after seeing…

The Posture of Pain: A C-Section Matters More Than You Think

As trainers that pride themselves on  a holistic approach to…