
Why It's Important to be Practising Gratitude

Practising Gratitude is not just fashionable, it's a vital mental…

10 After School Snack Ideas

My kids, like everyone else's, come home ravenous after school.…

Sleep is Sexy

Sleep is sexy... and we also do a lot of it! On average we spend…

How Powerful Pattern Recognition Can Be, and Why a Personal Trainer is the BEST Person for it!

Pattern recognition is a powerful adaptation of all humans…

You May Be Able to Claim Your PT Sessions on Your Health Fund!

It’s about time we were able to claim our PT sessions on our…

What Makes Charlie’s Bootcamp Different to Other Bootcamps?

Summer camp has been ticking a long for years now, and was originally…

Karla's Table Tennis Journey

Commonly known as Ping Pong (which I hate by the way!) table…

10 Ways to Boost Your Mental Health in Spring & Beyond

The start of Spring can often give people a renewed sense of…

Stronger Than She's Ever Been: Mag's Story Continued

Margaret aka “Mags” came to me in August last year with chronic…

The Kepler Trail Team

Today i want to tell you a little bit about each of the team…