
Matching Your Exercise to Your Body Type

We all have a different body type which falls under 3 main categories…Ectomorph,…

Exercise During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Exercise Yes you should start exercising when you…

Carving Out Time for Self Care (Our Gift to You This Xmas)

Merry Christmas IntoYouse! and our gift to you is permission…

We Now Have Decleor Organic Facials at IntoYou!

Stop the press! IntoYou have added yet another element to achieve…

Make One Change Oct 2019: Use Organic Menstrual Products

Our change this October was to switch to organic menstrual products.…

Screening the Pregnant Client Vs the Post Natal

Screening. We talk about it a lot. Perhaps more than a lot. Perhaps…

Logical Exercise Progression for Post Natal Women is NOT About Intensity

Logical Exercise Progression for Post Natal Women is NOT About…

Feedback from the Host Gym: Burrell Education LIVE Courses

Recently we took Burrell Education's internationally accredited…

Roz's Motherhood Journey at IntoYou

Browsing Facebook the other day, as you do, and this memory came…

Why We Believe the Mother is More Important Than Her Baby

When you read the title of this blog, many of you would have…