Run Groups Final Week

Saturday was the last day for our run group, and what a rotten day for it! It was rainy, windy, and cold – no one could blame our runners for pulling the pin… Except that they didn’t! In true IntoYou spirit all three of our Run Group that could make it, did make it! And they even made time for coffee afterwards.

I wonder sometimes how to grab this attitude, and bottle it. We’d make a fortune and it would be the end of the world’s problems!

Now, at the end of the group, we will commend a couple of the participants.

Maria, who has never run before, now consistently doing two runs a week, up to 8km at a time.

Sue, who used to get awful headaches when she ran, is doing over 10km at a time, including 1-2 ascents of Collaroy Plateau.

Maddy, the trainer who led them all, for her fantastic programming – both short on time commitment but very effective on results!

And a huge congratulations to the rest of you for giving it what you got!

We wish them the best of luck on Sunday, in the 2014 Pub2Pub.


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