Restore Your Core in 6mths

It’s new program time! Or a re-invention of our old program! We have had enormous success with our 6-Step Restore Your Core and Pelvic Floor program, from reversing prolapse to curing back pain. However, it only works with a consistent, targeted approach. Plenty of our clients, particularly those in our mum’s groups, muddle along doing “better” but miss out on the benefits of a graded, systematic approach. Our Restore Your Core in 6mths program is our very successful 6-Step Restore Your Core and Pelvic Floor course – one on one with a personal trainer and set to 6 months to get those results. It can be done via zoom or in studio, and is supervised by your preferred men or women’s health physio. You can look up your closest physio here.

You can expect results like:

  • Learning how to manage a hernia so that it doesn’t get worse.
  • Significant reduction in back pain (if not cured completely).
  • Rehabilitation of your prolapse by 1 full degree.
  • We will solve your incontinence in 80% of cases and significantly reduce it in the remainder (equally effective, if not more effective than surgery)
  • Improvements in what movements you can do pain free.
  • Significant increase in the tension of your linea alba and appearance of your “mummy tummy” as a result (if you have a diastasis).

What you get when you sign up for this program:

  • 6 x One on One PT sessions with an accredited personal trainer (virtual or in-studio)
  • Restore Your Core eBook
  • 6 Workout videos (one for each level)
  • 6 months of accountability, support, and communication with your Health Professional to ensure you are as restored as possible, and can return to the activities you love, PAIN FREE!

This program is for anyone who has experienced:

  • hernia
  • prolapse
  • incontinence
  • abdominal or spinal surgery
  • chronic back pain
  • has ever been pregnant
  • has ever given birth
  • has gone through, or is going through, menopause

You can read the experiences of some of our mum’s who have successfully navigated the program here – Like Morgan who has closed her diastasis, Kara who no longer has back pain, and Mel who reversed her prolapse…. and the best news yet, while we are testing the format you can get it for LESS THAN HALF PRICE here!

So stop putting it off. This is the sign you’ve been waiting for.

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