A 300km bike ride around Samoa

Samoa was our first attempt at an oversea’s trip, and was motivated by a local Samoan Chief (he lives in Dee Why), who runs a charity pre-school (more info at www.cyclesamoa.com.au). His passion for the country was inspiring, and armed with his itinerary, we embarked on a 4-mth training program for the “flat” ride.

Four of us took the plunge, Sally, Clare (and her 11mth old, Evie), Jenn, and Diana. The training was characterised by Diana’s comment when she signed up “i can’t imagine being able to do this“. It was a great compliment to the trust she had in our studio that she joined regardless!

We took two weeks to ride 300km around Savaii, staying at little family-run resorts along the way. We got so remote that there was no running water, electricity, or telecommunications – wiped out in the 980’s by a Tsunami and never replaced! We stayed a couple of days in two villages, to see the local sights, such as an “elf’s cave” and the “monsters footprint”, and enjoyed true Samoan hospitality and storytelling.

Unfortunately, the ride was not “flat” as we were led to believe by our enthusiastic muse! Some of the hills were soo high and steep, we had to wind our way up by riding across the road and back! On one occasion, we got off and walked. In addition, he had “guestimated” the distances, so some days we arrived at our destination early, and other days late – not ideal when a taxi driver has all your stuff and you are not sure what he will do if he arrived and we aren’t there to pay him!

Thankfully the trip went off well, depsite these small difficulties, and we were proud to have achieved it! We donated one of our bikes to a local teenager, and hauled the other three home again.

More about this trip can be read on Clare’s Blog.