Paula’s 50’s Session

Paula has been working at our studio for a few weeks now, and it didn’t take her long to figure out how she was going to train our mums! Paula’s 50’s session format is borrowed from Cross Fit, but with deep-core friendly exercises (or ones that we can adapt for those who need it).

Perform 50 of the following:


  1. Step ups

    Step ups

    Step ups

  2. Hip lift and march

    Hip lift and march

    Hip lift and march

  3. Lat pull down

    Lat pull down

    Lat pull down

  4. Plank with opposite arm and leg raises
    Deep core modification

    Deep core modification

    Plank with opposite arm and leg raise

    Plank with opposite arm and leg raise

  5. Sumo squat with high pull

    Sumo squat with high pull

    Sumo squat with high pull

  6. Powerplate dips

    download (1)

    Power plate dips

  7. Fire hydrants

    Also known as the "peeing dog"

    Also known as the “peeing dog”

  8. Mountain climbers

    Mountain climbers

    Mountain climbers


If you need help modifying your level in this session, feel free to contact us [email protected]!

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