On our way on another adventure!

So I asked Babs today, “did you ever think, hey I’m turning 60, let’s go camping in Cambodia. ”

Obviously the answer was “no”, and how cool is it that we get to do it? What an adventure!

So far our group is divided, between the ones who went straight to the bar,  and those that went straight for the coffee. Clare lost her toothpaste to an overzealous customs officer, and apparently Deb is the most suspicious of the lot of us ; she was drug tested, xrayed, patted down, shoes off, and her bag went through twice. Crikey!

Our hike will take us 97k from Siem Reap to Angkor Wat  (yes, we will insist on that extra 3,  to make it triple digits ). Cambodia still have un exploded land mines from Vietnam war, so we will be following a well trodden path. The people there are proud of their history, and excited to share their stories.

Team coffee waiting to board

Team coffee waiting to board

We are all eager to get our adventure started.

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