Nude Food 8 Week Eating & Education Program
This week we are launching our Nude Food Eating Program, an 8-week whole-food education pathway which will empower you to change your habits and lifestyle FOREVER.
One of the most difficult things that we deal with at the IntoYou studio is someone who achieves great success on a diet, only to pile the weight back on once they go back to eating “normally”. What we have to wrap our heads around is eating “normally” for a 60kg person is totally different to a 100kg person. You have to change for life if you want to remain 60kg.
Our first attempt at tacking this problem is our 60 Days to Healthy Living Challenge. This challenge involves 30 days of Arbonne supplementation, for dramatic weight loss, the following 30 days is all about establishing a “new normal” to ensure that the challenger keeps the weight off for good! We had great success with this program, which you can read here. You can also read a couple of reviews below.
The problem with the 60 Day Challenge is the first 30 days of supplementation. We are simply not qualified to make a call on the effect of some of the ingredients on your health! To be certain, unless your a nutritionist or naturopath neither are you! When it’s a commercial product, this has to make one uneasy because the seller obviously profits from your dependence on the product. To be fair, we do make an effort to wean the client on to a “new normal”, but they frequently went back to the Arbonne products because they were so easy! There’s some solid points about these kinds of programs here and here and here. The second and third articles highlight the destructive results of many of the ingredients commonly found in meal-replacement products.
This is not to say that the ingredients are bad for you, we simply do not know for sure, which motivated us to find another way of achieving the same thing. One thing that we do know for sure, is that a whole piece of real food IS GREAT for you! There’s a short explanation why here. Fruit, veges, whole grains, and healthy fats have been shown to reduce the risk of many kinds of cancers. Conversely, alcohol, sugar, and salt can increase that risk. Contrary to popular belief, there’s no evidence that fat causes any kind of cancer, although being over weight certainly does*. There’s also plenty of evidence to show that added processed sugar makes us fat, not fat!!
With all this in mind, Jade enrolled in her Nutrition Coaching certificate last year. She spent months studying digestion and the effects of different foods. What she came up with at the end of this can be summarised in a few points:
- Good nutrition is about what you DO eat, not about what you avoid.
- Whole food is more healthy than supplementation.
- Fat is good
Her 8 Week Nude Food Program is a bespoke eating plan plus 8 weeks of education and accountability. The idea is to infiltrate your habits, lifestyle, and commonly held mis-beliefs to achieve lasting change in vitality, appearance, and health.
The program includes:
- One on one session with Jade.
- Healthy Edge body composition (including body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, metabolism, and weight).
- An individualised Nude Food nutrition plan specific to each and every participant; this plan will factor your current eating habits, what works for you in terms of motivation, and a printed guide.
- Body type analysis; how to make your metabolic profile work for you.
- Regular follow ups, either in session of via phone, for 8 weeks.
- 8 weeks of food and health education to set you up for LIFE!
- Ongoing access to an online community where you will receive support, recipe ideas, and encouragement, for LIFE!
- **Package value is in excess of $800** (for only $270)
One off nutrition consults are also available here.
Whatever your goals are, eating is at least half of the picture for ongoing success. Exercise can solve a lot of problems, but the fact is that you need to clean up your habits if you want to make lasting change. We are confident that our Nude Food program will not only make you healthy, skinny, and satisfied, but prevent lifestyle diseases such as cancer as well.
*Article and references from The Cancer Council
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