Mountain Bike Group Hits a New High

After the disappointment of last week’s mountain bike ride, we re-convened in Terry Hills for a skills refresher and a ride that we knew we could do. In addition, everyone rode more this week, even if it meant a quick 15min up and down the gutter outside their house.

We spent a little while in the playing fields, getting the hang of our bikes. This time when we rode the trail, we stopped at the sections we found difficult, and planned our line. This was an idea that Chris brought to the group after his years of raft guiding, where they stop and “scout” the rapid before running it. In this manner, everyone rode sections that they had never ridden before. A special mention to Jen who even rode down some stairs!

Unfortunately Martin was plagued by flat tyres, but at least we were armed with a mountain bike repair kit and knowledgeable instructor who had them fixed up pretty quick. The success of this ride meant that many people finished up wanting to go again and longer, which we will!

Keep riding guys! Well done!

Running repairs on the mountain bike

Running repairs on the mountain bike

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