Meet the 2017 Hike Nepal Team: Julie Anderson
Julie has unfinished business with Nepal. In 2015 she was part of a group that were scheduled to be heading to Nepal to hike the Annapurna Circuit; until mother nature had different ideas and 2 weeks prior to our departure Nepal was struck by a Magnitude 7.8 earthquake that killed thousands… We thought best to avoid Nepal at that time, and diverted the trip to the 40deg + temps of Cambodia.. which was still an amazing experience, however, Julie still wonders “… if we had of made it to Nepal then would I be going now?? ”
Julie is a mental powerhouse, having completed multiple Oxfam hikes, marathons, and extreme distance events. She knows that her mind and body is up to the task, and she also remarks that “This is primarily for me, me & no-one else but ME ! As a mum I’ve struggled to a) find time and b) take time for ME ! As a secondary reason and I know it sounds a little cliché’ but to also want to be a “positive role model for my kids”. I want them to realise that they can be leaders and that they don’t need to conform to what is stock standard. To be the “Not Normal” ones and do what they want not what you think everyone expects. Be unpredictable & adventurous. Take a risk and keep em all guessing!” Naturally, we LOVE this attitude at IntoYou!
If Julie had not taken this challenge for herself, she says she’d chose another one, although perhaps not quite as challenging nor with as a dynamic group! She plans to motivate her team members with the rationale that ” Life is short, no regrets, no what if’s. Right foot, left foot. You can’t come so far and not get to the destination. “
Julie’s biggest challenge will be the altitude, going slow enough to avoid illness. She also needs to consciously appreciate where she is and what she’s doing, or as she says “Slowing down and smelling the roses (or at least the Yak poo). I have a tendency to rush & get to places and get stuff done as soon as I can. ” The things that she is looking forward to the most are “time away from trivial “crap”, time for reflection & time to appreciate!” . It sounds like “time” may be an issue for Julie in her everyday life!
Her favourite motivational quotes are: “Some of the best adventures & experiences come from the unplanned stuff off the beaten track.” and “Its the lots of little bits that can matter.”
For Julie, the most important part of this journey is the lead in… “ its about the preparation, the build-up, the camaraderie, the teamwork and getting there as individuals & as a group, whatever is gathered in the process is a bonus.”
We will enjoy watching her “second time lucky” journey to Nepal!
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