Make One Change September 2018

September’s change was to buy biodegradable bin liners. Since many supermarkets are choosing to ban single-use plastic bags, it seemed like a good opportunity to reduce household plastic generally! It took some hunting, but there are some great, viable, alternatives out there! Make sure you read the packet so that you understand if something is truly “degradable” (in our opinion several hundred years is unacceptable)!

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Credit where it's due, nice quick response… although somewhat ambiguous… From @multixaustralia "Dear Clare Thank you for our enquiry regarding the Multix range. There are two different products under the Greener trademark. One is the plant based compostable type and one is the degradable type. The complete degradation for all products depends entirely on factors such as exposure to moisture, air, sun, average temperature and even date of manufacture prior to use so we can't provide a precise complete degradation date unfortunately. Our packs are dated if you are concerned for any degradation of the product prior to use. The compostable bags is 1-3 months per "Australian Standard AS 5810-2010 Home Composting. Kind Regards Debra" I've asked for further clarification on the "degradable" bags… not compostable… #makeonechangesep18

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