Jade’s Fusion Session for Beginners

The important thing about Fusion sessions, are that your heart rate is as high as possible. This can be quite uncomfortable, and as a result you will have better adherence if you do it with a friend or in a class/PT situation. The bonus is you burn as many calories in the hour after the session, as you would if you had kept exercising!


Exercise 1 – 1 min bike sprint!
Exercise 2 – Walking Lunge with Press x 10 each leg
Exercise 3 – Mountain Climber x 10
Preferably with your butt in line with your body, but it is hard, so whatever you can do is ok.
Exercise 4 – Sumo Squat Jump (squat like a frog and touch the ground, jump onto Power Plate, and  repeat, this time jumping off again) x 10
Try to really land through the legs – with them bent at 90 degrees.
Exercise 5 – 1 min Skipping sprint!
Exercise 6 – High Knee Repeater x 10 each leg
The knee should come up to your hip level.
Exercise 7 – Burpees!! x 10
Arms up when you jump. lets move together like they are attached – no stepping only jumping!!
Exercise 8 – 1 min on the Rower!
The session can be done circuit style, if that means you get to train with friends. However, you may need to modify time/sets/reps in order to prevent anyone stopping to wait.

 The Clean and Press is an alternative for those of you who know how to lift properly, for the Walking Lunge and Press. The clean and press is easier for those with knee problems, but puts a lot more pressure on your back and shoulders, so you should be proficient at lifting before using it in this context.
With any session at IntoYou, every exercise is thought out with safety, functionality, and effectiveness in mind. If it hurts (somewhere other than in your muscles!), please see your physio before doing it again.
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