Family Fatigue Syndrome – Its a real thing!

When doing some research for this article today, I Googled “school holiday fatigue”.

What came up surprised me, with countless psychology articles, talking about the “family fatigue syndrome” in mothers. My Google search was a hunch, based on the mental, emotional, and physical state of the mums that come and train at the gym at this time of year (and the ones that DON’T!). Basically, being the director of your child’s entertainment is another full-time job. Performing any full time job for 14hrs a day, 7 days a week (and that’s only if your kids sleep all night), is tiring – no matter how “easy” the work is.

To read more about the syndrome, follow this link :

So what has this got to do with a tiny strength training studio out the back of someone’s house, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches?

We look after mums.

And mums, you need to look after yourselves too!

The solution for Family Fatigue Syndrome, like any health issue, is making time for yourself – that is balance your stress time with recovery time. When we write a weight training program, we rest one body part when we train the other. We have scheduled rest days and scheduled work days. We have scheduled variety , in the form of cardio and cross training. In a healthy human, we balance sleep and awake time.

A healthy parent over the school holidays balances their activity time with “make your own fun” time, parental “time out”.

This might be a “two handed” walk (i have a 3YO and a 5mth old, so two free hands is a special event), legging it to the gym and letting our trainers entertain your kids while you do something for yourself, or plugging into a good book while your kids learn to entertain themselves. What is important is that you balance their time with your time.

Another bonus about this , when you get the hang of it, is what you teach your kids about you in the process:

  1. YOU’RE important too
  2. YOUR health and time is as important as theirs
  3. You do not exist simply to facilitate their desires
  4. When they’re parents they will feel entitled to look after themselves, too

For some more solutions to this syndrome, follow this link:

Finding “me” time does not necessarily have to exclude the kids, either. I will take my 3YO with me to stand up paddle on Narrabeen Lakes, or carry my 5mth old in a sling and go bushwalking. The beauty of our gym is that our trainers will take over parenting for that precious 30min of session, and shield you from having to entertain.

There is nothing wrong with looking after yourself over the school holidays, and refusing to run yourself ragged. It will work out better for you and your kids if you do a bit of both, and balance you and your family’s needs as best you can.

Enjoy these last couple of weeks!

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OR, are you a client and want a trainer of our calibre? Do you need some ‘me’ time? Try out a session with one of our trainers for free – Book now !!

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