Deep Core & Pelvic Floor Seminar

We will be hosting a Deep Core and Pelvic Floor Seminar on Tuesday 7th June 12-2pm at the IntoYou Studio!

Our speaker is Jenni Davies, a women’s health physio from Aushealth Physio in Brookvale.

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Jenni is an ex-National League indoor and beach volleyball player, has 2 beautiful daughters and is an avid beach and trail runner with dreams of coming out of retirement to return to beach volleyball. She is always up for anything active and dabbles in multiple other activities such as kayaking, tennis, rock climbing, golf, swimming, & trekking.

The seminar will address:

  • What is the deep core?

  • Why it’s important (it’s relationship to prolapse, incontinence, core stability, pelvic & lower back pain).

  • Foundation level pelvic floor exercises (ie. Where to start)

  • When to get professional help?

  • Self-help options for regaining pelvic floor strength (like PeriCoach, vaginal cones – we will have samples)!

  • Real Time Ultrasound pelvic floor check. This is a non-invasive tool, similar to the ultrasound when you’re pregnant, that can check basic pelvic floor function and ensure that you are “lifting” when you think you’re lifting!

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Jenni teaching her girls to surf

Jenni is the best person to talk about this, as a senior physiotherapist and a mum who is living with pelvic floor dysfunction. She has over 23 years experience, and has always been especially interested in the pelvis. She had her first child in 2006, and suffered significant pelvic floor trauma, that she lives with to this day. At the time, she saw that there was not enough education, awareness, and treatment options available for women to deal with this incredibly common problem. Furthermore, the ramifications of incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic girdle pain, lower back pain, and injuries.

This is a great opportunity to get your pelvic floor assessed for FREE! Everyone who comes is invited to experience a real time ultrasound, so that they can be assured that their pelvic floor muscles are functioning as they should. Furthermore, you will go away with practical tools to ensure that you are pain free, continent, and that your organs stay where they’re supposed to for the rest of your life!

Bookings: 0410 508 101 or [email protected] (or next time you’re in the gym!)


Jenni Davies, Senior Physiotherapist

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