Make One Change March 2020: Plog
The term "plog" originated in Scandinavia and is essentially…

When Normal isn't Really Normal
As personal trainers we are in an industry where we are trying…

November Balance Challenge by Charlie
This is what we were greeted with when we convened in the…

Why Getting Inverted is Good For You
Our October Challenge was to get Inverted 1 min a day, and post…

October Challenge: LET'S GET INVERTED!
Let's GET inverted!! Now this is a NICE challenge (said no one,…

September Challenge: Learn to Lift by Ali!
In anticipation of our upcoming Learn to Lift session trial,…

August Challenge: Make Real Change by Maddy
This challenge is about making real changes and taking responsibility…

July Challenge: Time Trial
We have designed our Time Trial July Challenge, even though we…