The Impact of Clothing on Mood: How What You Wear Affects How You Feel.
Clothing plays a crucial role in our daily lives, not only as…

Christmas and the holiday time of year affects people differently,…

How to Boost your Longevity and Quality of Life with Summer Camp
IT'S A FACT!! Participating in Charlie's Summer Camp this year…

"I'm Fine" - Some Thoughts on an OLD Saying
How often, when asked "how are you?" do we reply with "I'm fine"?…

Who Would Have Thought That Playgrounds Were Built for 70YO's???
Well, perhaps we have simply re-appropriated the local playgrounds…

Walk and Talk Therapy: Your Questions Answered
Charlie is an empathetic trainer who has naturally been weaving…

Remember When... A Trip Down Memory Lane
Today we are going to revisit and remember when a handful of…

Why It's Important to be Practising Gratitude
Practising Gratitude is not just fashionable, it's a vital mental…

How Counselling Blends with Personal Training and What Charlie Can do for YOU!
Charlie has been a Body Image Counselor for a few years now,…