5 Simple Hormone Hacks to Start Feeling Better Today

COVID19 has done more that physically restrict us to one area,…

Screening the Pregnant Client Vs the Post Natal

Screening. We talk about it a lot. Perhaps more than a lot. Perhaps…

How to Breathe: Why breathing is as Important as your Strength and Cardio Training

I have seen breathing all over social media lately, and it has…

Heavy Lifting and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Look anywhere, continence foundation, pelvic floor first website,…

Logical Exercise Progression for Post Natal Women is NOT About Intensity

Logical Exercise Progression for Post Natal Women is NOT About…

The Definition of Life Changing Training: More than Weight Loss

I feel like trainers generally have the idea that "changing lives"…

Feedback from the Host Gym: Burrell Education LIVE Courses

Recently we took Burrell Education's internationally accredited…

5 Steps to a Thriving Niche Business

It's fair to say that most small business owners have a general…

How to Choose a Gym, Trainer, or Training Group: Beyond the Price!

Most businesses have done their homework on how much they need…

Real Time Ultrasound Evening with Kelly from Activate Physio

We had a lovely evening last night with Kelly from Activate physio.…