Entries by Clare @ IntoYou

Mountain Biking in the Rain

This morning marks past-half-way in our training journey towards mountain biking New Zealand. It is usually where motivation flags, and participation ebbs. When we awoke, it was raining. Chris and my phone were peppered with text messages double-checking that we were still riding, and we decided that we would go, then make the call once […]

Training with a Buddy

Some creative ideas for training with your buddy!! Get sweaty and hands on with your friends, laugh a bucket, and work out at the same time! [sociallocker] [/sociallocker] These exercises are all fun and games, literally. Make sure the space is safe so that no-one hurts themselves, then go nuts!

Trainer Training

The idea behind today’s trainer training session was to get creative with some of the tools we have in the studio! We thought you’d enjoy seeing your trainer BURN! [sociallocker] [/sociallocker] We are committed to continually providing the best session, specifically for you. Our trainer training is all about sharing ideas, so Maddy’s strengths feed […]

Exploring Hornsby by Mountain Bike

Saturday’s Ride was an education… We got up early and drove 45min to Quarry Rd, Hornsby, where they have set up a mountain bike skills course. There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced rides. Our group, bustling with confidence, embarked on the intermediate, only to walk most of it. Thankfully they are only short, and we […]

It’s Challenge Time! Bringing in a new Year!

This is the perfect time of year to take advantage of your scorching-hot, fresh and ready, motivation, and make a real impact on your new year’s resolutions! It is Challenge time at IntoYou! And there is room for everyone! The Summer Challenge! This is Jade’s Burpee Madness test (https://into-you.com.au/jades-burpee-madness-test/). All you have to do is […]