Entries by Clare @ IntoYou

The Kepler Trail Team

Today i want to tell you a little bit about each of the team that came to Kepler with us, because it seems like many of us don’t go ahead and try things like this adventure; not because we don’t want to, but because we don’t think we can. Everyone has their “stuff”, and our […]

Day 4 Kepler Track

Day 4 of our Kepler Track adventure was forecast to rain. We were resigned to this and rather relieved to sue our gear, since it had been sitting in our bags being lugged from one end of the ranges to the other for four days! Getting to our bus on time meant getting up 30min […]

Day 3 Kepler Track

Today. We. Were. F*king. Sore. Day 3 of our Kepler Track adventure dawned on a group who’s calves had seized, backs were aching, and shoulders were refusing to take a backpack. To make it worse, we knew we had to hike even further today – although by all reports the trail was easier, there was […]

Day 2 Kepler Trail

Something i forgot to tell you earlier was a little story that occurred on the way to Manapouri a few days ago. We were all admiring the lake on the way out of Queenstown, when Karla asked if they got whales often? Yes. Whales. In an inland lake. Dave insisted on including this story, and […]

Day 1 Kepler Trail NZ

Oooch Day 1 of the Kepler Trail was flagged as a tough one. Most of us had a sleepless night, despite the leisurely start. We were picked up at 9.45am… but it felt like 6.45am. It was only just light, there had been snow overnight, and tension was high. There was a big squish to […]

Day 1 IntoYou 2023 Hiking Group

Day 1 for our 2023 IntoYou Hiking Group has already been eventful and adventurous! Firstly, we had conflicting advice regarding dehydrated foods in the airport. All of us had to undergo a bag inspection as well as a shoe inspection and X-Ray, but we eventually jumped all the hoops and made it out to the […]

Hiking Group 2023

Last weekend our Hiking Group engaged in a mini-version of the event they’re training for – Kepler Track in NZ. The goal of the training up until this point has been to build up to a “pack weight”. Our adventurers were asked to build up to a fitness that allowed them to complete 15km two […]